Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Starting Over

Starting all over again. Including this blog-like-journal thingy, for those of you who have been following via email. I have decided to stop counting or including the days which I have been in London at the top of my entries. On hind sight, the counting serves no purpose. What am I actually counting for? The number of days I have been in London? The number of days before I leave London? A day count or a countdown? And a count down to what? Life is no where linear anyway.

I felt the great urge to write an entry again after a long lull because I felt a need to clear my head and since my suspected dyslexia has been acting up and I am speaking less(more of less) then before I should take time away from everything to at least start writing again to clear the mess in my head, eventhough I am constantly fighting with time; time to read, time to myself, time at work, time to play, time to do housework, time to sleep.

Time. I feel like I have been trying to catch hold of it. On Sunday morning, as I was jogging in the park, I noticed the first signs of autumn littered on the ground. Dry orange leaves speckled everywhere. When I got to the river, I didn’t have to do the avoid-green globs of duck s#$% like landmines wild dance-jog because strangely there were very few ducks. Where have the ducks gone? They must have felt the passing of time too and the need to find warmer regions for a continued summer vacation. Because of the shorter hours of daylight and my new longer working hours, I have been unable to keep up with jogging. I literally cannot catch the light in the evening to jog and this urgency strikes me every evening when the sun begins to set and I am still at work. The sun is setting at 8.40pm where it use to set at 10.30pm. As I have had to work a lot longer and harder with the new office, it is usually 8.20pm on better days when I get thought the front door. 2 minutes to change, 2 minutes to get to the park and 6 minutes to run somehow doesn’t figure and did I mention the parks are now closing between 8.00 - 8.30pm. Worse off, amidst the new hectic schedule, I am still managing to put on weight. Where did that come from? Less exercise, too much cheese and chips or just slower metabolic rate coinciding with the impending big three-zero?

On Player_‘Blame’ by Everything But The Girl


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