We all try to preserve beauty. We put photos of precious people and moments in our homes, in our office, in our wallets and on our phones. But many of the times, they mean as much as the mind can remember of the moment.
I received a lot of gifts this year at Christmas. And they were mostly exceptionally useful gifts. Among them was a book from A. This morning when I woke up, I picked it up from the pile of books on the floor and curled up in bed reading it. It was a book called ‘Kitchen Diaries’ by Nigel Slater. It is a diary of a Chef, of what he cooked and ate over a period of a year. The book doesn’t just include the recipes but also descriptions about how he felt. All the photos of the food were also taken in real time. The forward talks about the natural timing of food for the body. Like a thick slice of watermelon oozing with cold juice on a hot summer’s day or a bubbling hot stew on a rainy evening. He talks about the food like a gentle lover. About buying food from people truly passionate about their produce ie farmer’s market, butchers, fish mongers, delicatessens ie never stepping into mega marts like Tesco and cooking the food simply to compliment its real taste. It was very inspiring to hear someone talk about something so passionately. As I read the book, I thought about how awesome our God made this world, creating four different seasons, with certain foods available only at a certain time of the year for our consumption and how we had screwed everything up through genetic engineering and making so many types of food available throughout the year. Through abundance and excessiveness, we loose the true meaning of so many things.
This Christmas and New Year were especially significant because I spent it with people I am still trying to get to know better and haven’t really gotten down to doing so, not even after almost more then 10 years. We hardly really spend time together, even for some of us who live under the same roof. It’s still strange and awkward for me because I have largely forgotten how being with people really is. My inner timing is generally out of synch with the cosmos. I spent the last few years working frantically, the years before that silent from a family member who terrorized us and the years before that reading non-stop to get over a person who had forgotten about me and the years before that battling illness. Its so easy and convenient to be by yourself, but its better to learn to and enjoy being with other people. I’m learning all over again, even though very often I feel like a kid with knobby knees on the first day of school not knowing what is the right way to behave with the other kids, when is the right time to speak, what is the right thing to say and mostly how to say it. Sometimes I have a feeling about something, but I don’t know how to say it precisely in spoken words and it comes out insufficient to describe the thoughts in my head or at worse, all wrong. This makes me feel very frustrated, but I will keep trying because I know no one will understand me if I don’t try to say it.
I will not be making anymore resolutions this year with exception to bringing my own grocery bag to the supermarket from now on. I think I’ve always known the things I’ve needed to do. Not always clearly and in which order, but its there somewhere. For this year, I just want to enjoy the moments, the road, the inner mechanism of the human spirit, of what it wants, just like a good memory or moment, just like the passing of the four seasons is something we already recognise deep in our hearts.
May all our hearts desires be fulfilled this year. God Bless.
Hey guys, it was good. The Christmas of 2006.

On Player_'Seasons Change'_By Corinne Bailey Rae
I received a lot of gifts this year at Christmas. And they were mostly exceptionally useful gifts. Among them was a book from A. This morning when I woke up, I picked it up from the pile of books on the floor and curled up in bed reading it. It was a book called ‘Kitchen Diaries’ by Nigel Slater. It is a diary of a Chef, of what he cooked and ate over a period of a year. The book doesn’t just include the recipes but also descriptions about how he felt. All the photos of the food were also taken in real time. The forward talks about the natural timing of food for the body. Like a thick slice of watermelon oozing with cold juice on a hot summer’s day or a bubbling hot stew on a rainy evening. He talks about the food like a gentle lover. About buying food from people truly passionate about their produce ie farmer’s market, butchers, fish mongers, delicatessens ie never stepping into mega marts like Tesco and cooking the food simply to compliment its real taste. It was very inspiring to hear someone talk about something so passionately. As I read the book, I thought about how awesome our God made this world, creating four different seasons, with certain foods available only at a certain time of the year for our consumption and how we had screwed everything up through genetic engineering and making so many types of food available throughout the year. Through abundance and excessiveness, we loose the true meaning of so many things.
This Christmas and New Year were especially significant because I spent it with people I am still trying to get to know better and haven’t really gotten down to doing so, not even after almost more then 10 years. We hardly really spend time together, even for some of us who live under the same roof. It’s still strange and awkward for me because I have largely forgotten how being with people really is. My inner timing is generally out of synch with the cosmos. I spent the last few years working frantically, the years before that silent from a family member who terrorized us and the years before that reading non-stop to get over a person who had forgotten about me and the years before that battling illness. Its so easy and convenient to be by yourself, but its better to learn to and enjoy being with other people. I’m learning all over again, even though very often I feel like a kid with knobby knees on the first day of school not knowing what is the right way to behave with the other kids, when is the right time to speak, what is the right thing to say and mostly how to say it. Sometimes I have a feeling about something, but I don’t know how to say it precisely in spoken words and it comes out insufficient to describe the thoughts in my head or at worse, all wrong. This makes me feel very frustrated, but I will keep trying because I know no one will understand me if I don’t try to say it.
I will not be making anymore resolutions this year with exception to bringing my own grocery bag to the supermarket from now on. I think I’ve always known the things I’ve needed to do. Not always clearly and in which order, but its there somewhere. For this year, I just want to enjoy the moments, the road, the inner mechanism of the human spirit, of what it wants, just like a good memory or moment, just like the passing of the four seasons is something we already recognise deep in our hearts.
May all our hearts desires be fulfilled this year. God Bless.
Hey guys, it was good. The Christmas of 2006.

On Player_'Seasons Change'_By Corinne Bailey Rae
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