Saturday, January 03, 2009

M'aimer, me detester

Friday, January 02 2009
Love me,hate me.

He gently placed the ipod shuffle in my hand like an undying love pledge. Technology is a strange way of getting to know one another’s taste. Instead of listerning to music together, you pass them ipods which reveal bits of information about the other party. Flowers bought off the internet and posted to my office, emails and sms exchanges. Imagine a world lost in tehcnicolour blandness, gentle robotic monotonic whispers of declarations of desires. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak….Thus the new modern pre-coital courtship.

I woke up one morning sometime in the last 2 years to realize that I fu$%ing suck at Love. And the new world technology hasn’t made it easier. Like the interface between Windows and Mac, ‘Love’ is a mastery of liking and hating.

The main problem is that I’m in and I’m out. I’m for and against. I care too much but wish I’d rather not give a damn S%^t. I’m the cool thin gal in skinny jeans, 3 inch heals, chain smoking slims, slugging strawberries daiquiris who’s also the fat gal who would rather walk out of the house in sweatpants and pimple cream. I like contrast. I like being in love but I like being out of love as well. I like capturing images, making evidence of a moment, but I am terrified of someone taking pictures of me, like someone nailed me down to a jpeg.

I hate definition. Its as scary as settling into a life of predictable normality. Normality is like stillness. Deadness. Soundlessness. Just like some of us almost like being depressed and lost in a sea of blue. The truth is,good gals like bad boys. But am I a good gal? What good is the flesh when the mind is unwilling…I like to be with people who inspire me. My main inspiration are people down in the dumps, especially people who have struggled and made it through to the other side. I prefer gnawing questions, existence of a maker, death and purpose of life. As hard as it is, sometimes, I prefer suffering.

Mum said, that whatever I do, as long as I keep doing the right thing, everything will be alright. This year, despite all odds in my path aready, without fail, I’ll wake up, try my best and then fall asleep. If anything, waking and sleeping are still different, aren’t they?

Happy New Year!

Lots of hugz and kisses,

L aka CJ

On Player_Harvest_By Dragon Ash